About Journal

 The International Economics Studies is published by University of Isfahan with the cooperation of the Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEF) and the Center of Excellence on International Economics (CEIE), Univer5sity of Isfahan, Iran.




 Professor Peter John Lloyd University of Melbourne, Australia  (President)

Professor Charles Harvie, University of Wollongong, Australia (Secretary )

  Professor Tran Van Hoa, Victoria University, Australia

  Professor Fukunari Kimura, Keio University, Japan

 Professor Chung Mo Koo, Kangwon National University, Korea

 Professor Hyun-Hoon Lee, Kangwon National University, Korea

 Professor Seyed Komail Tayebi, University of Isfahan, Iran

 Professor Mosayeb Pahlavani, University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Iran

  Professor ZhouYanyun, Renmin University of China, China


 The Asia Pacific Economic Forum (APEF) is an international economics group established in May 2001 at Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea. APEF’s objectives are to research, discuss and disseminate substantive findings and information on development, growth, trade, regional integration and international economic relations in Asia-Pacific countries. APEF aims to provide a forum for discussion and debate on achieving closer economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region through expanded trade and investment. The Asia Pacific Economic Forum consists of an annual gathering of academicians (economists and business practitioners) and government officials concerned with presenting contemporary research findings on trade, investment and integration related issues in the Asia-Pacific region, the results from which can facilitate effective trade and investment policy decision making in the region as well as providing valuable information for key regional policy making bodies.

 APEF membership currently includes academics from high-level universities in Australia, Japan, South Korea, Iran, China, India Taiwan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Thailand, Vietnam and some other Asian countries.


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